Dr.Armaz Mariamidze

MD, PhD,Pathologist

Associated professor

David Tvildiani Medical University-Georgia

Expertise & Experience

Armaz Mariamidze 


Key qualifications:


David Tvildiani Medical University (Defended PhD) (Tbilisi)-2009-2018

St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies -2002-2004

(Diploma of Anatomic Pathology) (St. Petersburg)

Tbilisi State Medical University (Diploma of Physician) (Tbilisi) -1994-1999




2019 – present David Tvildiani Medical University, Associated professor

2017 – present Pathology Research Center, Pathologist, Head of laboratory

2016 – present Research Institute of Clinical Medicine (Todua Clinic)

2012 – 2017 Pathology Laboratory PathGeo-Union of Pathologists, pathologist

2012 – present D.Tvildiani Medical University, Assistant Professor

2011 – present Aversi Clinic, pathologist

2010 – present Institute of hematology and transfusiology, pathologist

2007-20013 National Cancer Center of Georgia, pathologist

2005-2008 Tbilisi Cancer Center, pathologist

2004-2008 Medical research center, pathologist


Dr. Armaz Mariamidze is a member of Georgian Association of Pathology and Cytology, European Association of Pathology, (breast workgroup member) and European Society of Gynecological Oncology, member

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