Dr.Maia kapanadze

Dr. Maia kapanadze

Expertise & Experience

Dr. Maia kapanadze Completed Bachelor & Resident in adult Neurology from Tbilisi
State Medical University.

Member of faculty board Tbilisi State Medical University
Head of eight group of student Tbilisi State Medical University
Curator of the Faculty of Medicine Tbilisi State Medical University
Member of Non-Governmental Organization "Georgian Young Physicians Association”
Member of European Association of Young Physicians Tbilisi branch
Member of Donor Club
Member of Student Scientific Society
Member of Health Development Youth Organization

Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons 2014, April 25-29, Nice (France), Congress on
Cardiovascular Surgery. Listener.
Training organized by Tbilisi State Medical University First aid 16-19 February 2013
Training organized by Tbilisi State Medical University “Body language" Bakuriani 19-22
February 2013
Training conducted by the Young Physicians Association Healthy Generation for a Healthy
Future". Kojori 2008 1-8 July.
International federetion of medical students asoociations and georgian young medical
union- conference Diagnosis of cancer and modern aspects of treatment
Training organized by Tbilisi State Medical University Don't waste life, live it" main organizer
Training organized by Tbilisi State Medical University "Leadership and Human Resource
Conference organized by Tbilisi State Medical University The main organizer of "Autism in

OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS: Gold Medalist in the school


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