Dr.Reeta Chander Parkash

MBBS,MD -Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Star Care Hospital Barka – Oman

Expertise & Experience

Dr. Reeta Chander Parkash graduated from Liaquat University of medical and health science in Pakistan. She obtained her post-graduate degree in OBGYN which include managing both low and high-risk pregnancy and infertility.

  • Routine antenatal and gynecology consultation
  • Family planning services
  • Subfertility consultations and treatment
  • Delivery services – Normal, assisted, Caesarian
  • Gynae operations – fibroid removal, ovarian cyst removal, ectopic pregnancy removal
  • Hysterectomy – Abdominal, Vaginal
  • Cervical cancer  and breast cancer detection ( pap smear, colposcopy )
  • Minimal access surgery – laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.

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